Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Settlers of Catan

Once upon a time in Catan, five people were asked to explore the hidden land of Catan. The King told them that they could keep everything they discovered but the only condition was that they needed to maintain the production and help the Kingdom to build roads to this hidden land. All of them agreed. They took off. The game began...

This story is real? Can people find this story somewhere? Maybe not. Why not? Because I made it up.

I recall my first Catan was in 2006. I played it with Totof, Antoine, Cedric, and Alex. It was an awesome experience.

Some amazing achievements

Wikipedia has posted some interesting facts about the Settlers of Catan.

1. Settlers was the first German-style board game to achieve popularity outside Europe, and has been called the "killer app" of designer board games.
2. Over 11 million games in the Catan series have been sold.
3. Settlers has been translated into twenty-five languages from the original German.

How to play this game

The beauty of this game is that the settings and game rules are simple. You don't need to spend an hour to understand game rules. You can get familiar with the game rules quickly. In addition, this game is not a elimination type game. So, everyone can stay to the end and have fun.

First step of this game is to lay out a Catan island. The Catan island itself is laid out randomly at the beginning of each game from hexes of different types: Wood, Brick, Wheat, Rock, and Sheep. Each hex only produces one resource. Among the Catan land, you see one hex with dessert looking. Yes, this is a dessert hex. Dessert does not produce anything.

For six players, each player can place one settlement, one city, and four roads at the beginning. All settlement and cities are placed at the corners of hexes. Roads initially need to be originated from either settlements or cities. Roads are built along the edges of the hexes. No two settlements or cities are allowed to be built on adjacent corners. Positioning of roads and settlements are essential because positions will determine where players will go and how. Besides, the positions can help you deny other players access to essential resources. So a good building is one route to victory. Also, the positions determine your style: well-balanced, monopoly, attacking type (always go for soldiers), or secretive type (always go for development cards).

The game is dynamics. An early good position does not necessarily determine your victory. You can always flip the position by acquiring a good harbor or building a good city or blocking the current winner. You need to position your territory strategically. You can show your weakness first and then turn your weakness to strength at a later point.

This game is really fun. It is all I can tell you.