Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Onion soup - my try

So simple... but
Guess some people were born to be chef de cuisine. Me? I dare not.

Three days ago, I was having a thought of treating myself with a nice soup. The weather was cold. My body was grumpy a bit. A hearty soup was quite favorable in that condition.

I looked around and decided to make some onion soup. I went to the previous post to see how Totof did it. In addition, I tried to recall everything Totof did when he made the soup. I mimicked as much as I could. I chopped onions (I had done this before so the chopping was a piece of cake.) But, the cooking part was not. I put butter and melted it. Then, I put all onion slices inside the pressure cooker. I thought in this case the oil spill would be less and the cooking would be less intimidating. The start was fine. I checked the recipe and it said the onions need 20 min slow cooking. 20 min. I decided to play a song in this waiting time. I went to the living room and chose my new favorite song - Welcome Home.

After the song, I went back to the kitchen. Oh no. The onions became blackish. Not all of them, but the bottom part did. There was no time for me to blame myself. I turned off the stove. Got all onions out. Then soak the pot. After 5 min, I cleaned the pot gently. Then, continued the cooking. I poured the chicken broth (organic one, nice) with the blackish onions into the cooker. I turned on the heat and wanted to bring the cooker to boil. The cooker did not fail me. It functioned well. I put the 1/4 teaspoon grounded pepper. And, put the lid on. Turned the switch to 2 and locked the cooker.

Forgot to say something. I reduced all the ingredient quantity. I was cooking for myself. So, I did not think reproducing the soup with all the same quantity would be a good idea. Too much for one person. So, I cut all quantity into half. I put 3 onions, 2 tablespoon butter, 3 cup chicken broth, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. For the cooking time, I still followed the recipe. Put the switch to 2 and cooked the cooker for 15 min.

After another song (Highway Star, perhaps), I went back to release the pressure cooker pressure. I was not too good at pressure cooker. I was a bit lost in releasing the pressure part. How come it looked so easy for Totof to do it but not the same case for me? I turned this and switched that. After another 5 min, I did not hear any loud pressure releasing sound. I assumed the cooker was ready. I used a fork to poke the yellow button. It looked good. Safe. I unlocked the cooker. Oh, the soup looked good (not the most gorgeous soup I had ever seen).

I waited for another 5 min so that the soup would not burn my tongue. The soup tasted not bad. I put some salt. It was even better. But, I preferred Totof's version :p