Monday, August 25, 2008

My almost there toe nail

It's been 6 months since the toe nail got injured. My toe nail struggled not to be separated from the toe but... After three months immediate attention (not doing this, not doing that, just because of it), a ridiculous tragedy ruined the recovery. The nail was three fourth recovered. Before today. Did not expect this city would rain so much. Did not bring any good shoes. Just my comfortable flip flop. Today my schedule was quite tight. After aquarium, we went to a midtown building. I was asked to give direction to a stranger even though I have little idea of these buildings and the parking. Just hopped to the car. Where was the GPS? After getting off the car, we walked before reaching the right building. Did not expect to tumble. My big toe tried to balance the body weight (quite interesting instinct). It did make it but my almost there toe nail broke right away. I sensed the pain and saw the blood. (it is the second time I saw blood caming out from the toe) What a ridiculous incident.