Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A new company

I can't resist the cute things. A friend has a cat. This female cat is furry and shy (I thought so). Fur does not make the cat unresistant but the innocent expressions do. This cat by nature knows how to make innocent expressions. I think that's why I said "yes" to her owner when he asked if I could take care of her when he is away. I was a bit anxious the day Onyxia arrived. Onyxia is the name of the cat. She looked shy. She was good at hiding herself. She hid herself inside curtains. The hiding cracked my friends and me up. Everything looked fine by far. The only issue for me was that I have to speak French to her. Think the bright side - it is a good way to improve my French. Nonetheless, I don't want to torture the cat too much with my French. So I asked the owner some useful sentences. The first night with Onyxia was interesting. Onyxia at that time was not shy any more. She was so energetic or more accurately she was excited. Perhaps the new environment made her excited. She explored the place - my room. She ran from a spot to another swiftly. She jumped up and walked along the beam of the bed frame like a martial art star. She threw herself into the bed to feel the softness of the bedsheets. She expressed her happiness by meow-ou. I was glad for her. It was a good first night with this new company. Nonetheless, the excitement stayed next day. Onyxia woke me up in early morning. Oh I would rather continuing my sleep to recover myself from the work. The meow-ou interrupted the sleep. I opened my eyes and said "bonjour Onyxia." She assumed the greeting meant I was ready to play with her. Well a wrong message. Since she was cute, I could not resist her asking.

After three days, I start to know more about Onyxia. This baby cat has excessive energy. She needs exercise, a big amount of exercise. She behaves like an only child too. The only child you know requires non-stop attention. You gotta give her attention. If she senses you ignore her, she will do everything to earn the attention back. She is super curious about the closets. I like to put things inside closets. The closets become the battle ground between her and me. I have to be extremely careful every time I open the closet. I have to block the possible entrances for her. I have to keep an eye on her to ensure she does not get her way in the closets. She is furry. Once she gets in, she would explore as much as she can. The adventure brings a price to me - lots of cat hair. You know the weather is getting cold. So jackets, coats, heavy clothes are getting popular in the closets. This clothing is vulnerable to cat hair. So I cannot take her closet curiosity lightly. Onyxia likes to watch the yard. A friend told me this is due to cat instinct. She sees squirrels on the pine tree. So she likes to stare at the tree. She likes strings. Strings make excited. If the string provides sounds, then she becomes crazy. I have some hanging on a lamp, she somehow manages to know them. She loves to jump around them and enjoys the sounds. The lamp is vulnerable to her jumps. The lamp falls and makes a huge bang sound. I was scared and Onyxia was thrilled. Onyxia has a good learning curve. Once she knows the lamp can give her pleasure, it is over. I need to get a way to prevent her from becoming crazy. Should I use a costume to make the lamp looks scary to her? Might worth a try.