Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chocolate cake

I experimented a bit. I heard flourless cake and wanted to make one. In my imagination the flourless chocolate cake is soft, smooth and light. Not heavy not chewy and not over sweet. It can be a bit less firm than a soufflé. I read through my recipe book. The only flourless recipe looks not my kind. So I went online to do a little research. After modification here is my version.

- 8 oz chocolate (milk, dark, semisweet)
- 6 tablespoon unsalted butter
- 4 eggs
- 4 tablespoon sugar
- Pinch of salt
- 2 tablespoon rum
- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

- Microwave chocolate and butter (less than 1 min)
- Put sugar, egg yolks, rum, vanilla in a big bowl and mix with a low speed for 10 min (until the dough becomes creamy)
- Pour the melted butter and chocolate and salt in the bowl
- Mix them for 10 sec
- In a small bowl mix the egg white for 2 min until the foam appears
- Fold the foam in the dough in the big bowl gently
- Preheat oven to 300 degree
- Put the cake pan in the oven and bake for 50 min

The cake puffed. A bit like soufflé. When I tested the cake with a folk, I got a similar feeling of cutting a soufflé. The outside was a bit crispy. The inside was moist. Very moist. I put it outside to cool it down for more than 30 min. I think I should have served it warm. After 30 min, the cake went to the normal form, no puff anymore. When I sliced it, I saw how smooth the inside was. My friends like it very much. The taste was between a Soufflé and a mousse. Very happy to have it. Happy to have it after a good dinner.