Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Tonight we dine in hell

If you like computer effect oriented movies, if you enjoy fighting scenes, if you like to know Battle of Thermopylae, if you like to hear people screaming Sparta, or if you are a geek, you will enjoy this movie a lot.

Or if you just want to be wowed...

I saw this movie at a movie night. 300 is a fictionalized Battle of Thermopylae (I knew this history after the movie). The main characters are Spartan King Leonidas, Spartan soldiers, and Spartan Queen Gorgo. The beginning part was to show how Spartan men were raised, what Spartan boys had to go through before their manhood, and how strong Leonidas was.
The middle part was to let audience understand what was going on between Persians and Greeks. You saw how determined Leonidas and other Spartan soldiers were, how strong Spartan soldiers were, how insane Spartan people could be (Spartan men's specialty was to kill, to fight, and to protect), and how corrupted and shamed an politician could be. Of course 300 vividly showed how Spartan fought against Persians. Tons of fighting scenes during the movie. Interesting and creative fights were here and there. The producer and film script writer had a lot of imagination. Many scenes were filmed aesthetically.

If you want to know more detail on 300, you can click on this link,

I really enjoyed this movie. The story is quite straightforward. But, the way the film was produced makes 300 stands out. Totof and I were totally wowed from the beginning to the end.