Wednesday, December 26, 2007


These long vocabulary starts to amaze me

Who said biology was painful? Me. Yes, I said that before. But now, I changed my mind. After I went to digestion system chapter, my previous thought started to break apart. I still hate to remember the long vocabulary. But, for some reasons, I start to appreciate these long words. Chylomicrons, carboxypeptidase, lipoproteins, trypsinogen, etc. My brain is not big enough and my brain cells are not smart enough to remember these terms right away (who is?). Biology is like a treasure map with many exotic words (places) on it. To get the treasure, I need to understand these exotic words. These words look nonsense to me at the first glance. But, I know they must have some degrees of relevance. I just need to find it out. And then, link these words with pictures. Then, give these words another meanings. Then, put words and routes together. Then, find the treasure.