Friday, September 19, 2008

Oh its name is

Name is such an interesting thing. Not for people but for objects. Have you ever had an experience in which you tried to explain a sales what object you wanted to see? You know its name in your language so you translate it to another language without a second thought. But the sales just could not understand the name coming out from you. You added some gesture and explanations. And still... frustrating shopping experience. Then you went home to check the name online and surprisingly found out the name in another language is so different from what you thought. Bleah. You think the people who gave the name to this object are weird. They just don't know this object. You don't agree with the name in another language. But you still want to have it. Ok, give in, memorize this new name and take off for your shopping. Aha, this time, you got what you want.