Friday, February 20, 2009


It's been a while that I have the though of trying snowboard. Last year, due to newly fine skis, I could resist the temptation. For those paying attention to the weather you know that the past weeks the snow at Tahoe were awesome. Powdery is the best condition for snowboard. I with no doubt know I will bring blue marks home due to the namely tons of falls. Who will not fall in the first try of snowboard? This person exists somewhere yet not me. The first morning was frustrating than entertaining. I fell frequently. Every getup accompanied with a fall. The shoulder and the elbow complaint. I brought my Rollerblade protection for wrists but not for the elbows. The soft snow absorbed the shock. But the pain was inevitable. Besides, we were trying on a green. The flat killed me. I felt the green trail was super long. Once I arrived the lift I was quite relieved. You thought I would give up? I am a type person who believes "never give up never surrender" when I am determined. The afternoon, friends went with me to a blue. Was a blue over my capabilities? No answer. I didn't bring my mind but a brave heart. After a shot while, we arrived at a bumpy area. The scene set my courage back a bit. Confidence vanished. I moved and moved. I didn't want to back down. I tried to get up, fell, moved, got up, fell. I managed it. I moved my board, right, left, right, left with my all focus and feels. Cool! Cool! I concentrated the feels of the feet, board, and slope. I knew it was coming. That try was the longest around by far at that day without any interruptions. I was so proud of myself. I can tell you it was one of the coolest things I done. My friends told me what I did was a leave. The round apparently showed one thing - my back side stop is good. I never knew my balance is dominated by the left foot until that day. My left foot was amazing. Steady. Flexible. The two days snowboarding was fun. Will I snowboard again? I knew I will bring my ski and snowboard to the snow again. The only doubt I have is that am I goofy or not.